Think about what a lot of money spent on it to provide students the necessary textbooks. In addition, these books are deteriorating rapidly - think of how to get battered in the school library editions with lots of pictures and missing sheets. Most reasonable, given the realities of the modern world, provide students a Tablet PC. And this is going to do in South Korea in 2015.
By 2014, all editions for the Korean elementary school will be digitized, and in 2015 all the training materials will be provided to students only in digital form. A total of digitizing tablets, and plans to spend $ 2.4 billion.In addition, the Korean Ministry of Education says that all the exams at that time also will be accepted electronically. Finally, education can get remotely - almost exactly as in retrofuturisticheskih notes. Those students who have health problems, be able to use online video service to the public a lesson. Preparatory courses for university will also be read using a video chat.
By the way, not amiss to note that South Korea has another program, they also want to implement in the coming years: to give every family a home robot by 2020. About robots actively talking three or four years ago, but recently about this program is something unheard of. When will these systems will come in India???
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