Tuesday, July 26, 2011
How to warm up at the bus stop
Monday, July 25, 2011
New in OS X 10.7 Lion: Strange
New in OS X 10.7 Lion: Irritant
Sunday, July 24, 2011
New in OS X 10.7 Lion: Good
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Why Apple OS mixes two.....

Friday, July 22, 2011
Umbrella, which need not keep his hands

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Indians will connect PC to TV
Monday, July 18, 2011
Why Google and Microsoft are doing social networks
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Swiss have created a batch of anti-PowerPoint.....

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Why Google + good, and why it may fail to wait
The fact that Google launched a new social network (or rather, a conglomeration of social services) Google +, all who are interested probably already knows. Let's try to look at the news the other hand: What does it better than the competition, and why Google + - this is not another "alternative to Facebook", each of which is similar to the most popular social network in the world and thus can not offer users nothing really new and interesting ?
First of all, that would do in Facebook to make the communication and content sharing more secure, it turns out they have it rough and confusing. Recall the constant changes in the settings of privacy, groups ... It is standard everything you write, one way or another broadcast to your friends and share content with only a certain circle of friends is not that simple. Google + is based on the idea that the user writes, photographs and puts something specifically for a particular group of friends - this is the Google Circles. Create a circle just, and the addition of people is accompanied by a nice animation. In general, the whole point of Circles that any content you display is a certain range (eg, circle "all friends" - this is also Circle).Sparks, the next part of the project, allows you to monitor information on their interests. Interests can also be introduced in the profile of Facebook, but here the news on them are chosen automatically - for Google, which has a News and Reader, this is a great idea. Also do not forget that with the help of Google + These data will be easy to share and discuss them with your friends (although those who have already received the invitation, saying that while working poor).
Hangouts - a new kind of online communication. When we send a private message to someone, we usually have in mind something concrete. But how to write that we simply want to communicate? "Talk to me somebody?" With just Hangouts and can show any of their community, that you wish to communicate. You can communicate via video or audio chat.
However, there will be an opportunity to communicate with targeted amended by a certain circle of people. In the mobile version is called Huddle. It's just a group chat, in which all participants are at once the circle - it initiates, of course, a man who belongs to this circle.
It looks very nice, especially since the design of the interface took part Hertsfild Andy, the designer of the first "Mac» Apple. That's just about the success of this project, alas, there are doubts. Recall what happened with Google Wave. No, I do not want to say that this is the same - quite the contrary, there is one thing that is alarming.
Apart from the fact that users could not understand the Wave, Google allowed them to test the product by invitation only. The standard scheme was as follows: two or three people get an invite, gladly test and go from there life because there's no one else. When it opened to the public, these men never returned. Given that the same pattern is repeated now, it's hard not to worry about such a fate for Google +.a
Office 365 officially launched. Whom it will please?

The train, which travels non-stop

Friday, July 8, 2011
Mystery of Android: Why Android lovers rarely use the Internet
In the popularity of Android is an amazing feature: it is not accompanied by comparable in scale growth in the number of users visiting sites using devices based on Android.For some reason, the owners of android phones to at least start the browser, users than iPhone. What does this mean?
Nearly two-thirds of mobile Internet users in the United States AND Russia enjoy the iPhone and aypadami.
To assess the activity of users of Android and iOS the web, use the record of Internet statistics Openstat (Spylog), which counter is set to multiple sites Runet. According to global statistics Openstat, if we take all the visitors who use iOS and Android, as 100 percent, then the owners will have to Android, only 37 percent, and the iPhone and iPad - 63 percent.
In this case, according to the analytical agency "Smartmarketing", sold lack of mobile phones and tablets based on Android, and only half lach - based on iOS. In other words, if you believe "Smartmarketingu" , a device based on Android twice more popular than the iPhone and iPad.
To understand what was going on, we need more data, but here's my theory: Prospects look strange only because of the fact that we are comparing the incomparable things.Over the past few years, the boundaries of concepts "smartphone" and "normal mobile phone" (feature phone), never distinguished by great clarity, have been completely washed out. If you figure out where they moved, all questions will disappear by themselves.
The main feature of the smartphone has always been the existence of a "real" operating system with "real" applications. In conventional mobile phone it replaced the primitive ring middleware, and applications if there were then only in Java. Think about how this idea behind the times.
Applications for Android, too, written in Java, but no one sees this as a pretext to deny the right of android phones considered smartphones. The first iPhone did not allow to install the application, but has never been a feature phone. Platform Series 30, which use low-cost mobile phones Nokia, clearly belongs to a different class than the Android or iOS, but it does not call primitive: it is and the browser, and applications, and even the semblance of App Store.
Correct to look for differences between smartphones and regular mobile phones, not in the functionality that is becoming more and more universal, and how to use it. A normal mobile phone - it's first phone and then everything else. In the smartphone the same telephony features, browser and applications is given equal attention.
From this perspective, Symbian gradually transformed into a system for mobile phones (Nokia and planned, so do not be surprised), iOS and Windows Phone used strictly for smartphones (at least not yet), but there is something with Android earlier unprecedented: the first system to be used in smart phones, and in conventional mobile phones, and while there, and there - with great success.
Behavior smartphone with Android, likely similar to the behavior of users iOS. They at least are on the internet and download the same frequency applications. If compared with iOS were taken into account only these two diagrams shown above, would be far less varied.
At the same time, some devices with Android are used exclusively as a conventional mobile phone, and, therefore, are these. Their owners are calling friends and send SMS - and that now it has to do with the touchscreen did not change matters. It is these devices, "ordinary mobile phones" in Android, a platform spoil the statistics.
Since smartphones account for only a small part of the phone market, it partly explains why so rapidly increasing share of Android. It grows in both directions - and up to smartphones, and down to the ordinary mobile phones. Given that the possibilities of "mobile phone" with Android is not very different from a smartphone with Android, can come of something interesting: those who did not buy and did not plan to buy a smartphone, once purely rasprobuyut smartphone features, getting to them in the load and go over to the camp owners of smartphones.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tablet PC for students in 2015

Think about what a lot of money spent on it to provide students the necessary textbooks. In addition, these books are deteriorating rapidly - think of how to get battered in the school library editions with lots of pictures and missing sheets. Most reasonable, given the realities of the modern world, provide students a Tablet PC. And this is going to do in South Korea in 2015.
By 2014, all editions for the Korean elementary school will be digitized, and in 2015 all the training materials will be provided to students only in digital form. A total of digitizing tablets, and plans to spend $ 2.4 billion.In addition, the Korean Ministry of Education says that all the exams at that time also will be accepted electronically. Finally, education can get remotely - almost exactly as in retrofuturisticheskih notes. Those students who have health problems, be able to use online video service to the public a lesson. Preparatory courses for university will also be read using a video chat.
By the way, not amiss to note that South Korea has another program, they also want to implement in the coming years: to give every family a home robot by 2020. About robots actively talking three or four years ago, but recently about this program is something unheard of. When will these systems will come in India???Bus for tourists, cyclists

Bike Guide - is a hybrid, clean bus that runs including from large solar panels located on the roof. It runs on the main tourist routes, allowing you to combine two modes of travel: solo and in company.
Join the route will be registered in a special interactive section, indicating where you pick and what point you are going. Information about the route will also be displayed on a special screen in the cabin. Bike Guide is designed for six cycles. It is equipped with a luggage compartment, where tourists will be able to carry their backpacks.