
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Interface for future computers

In the research division Microsoft Research are doing a lot of interesting things. In particular, there comes a projection table, Microsoft Surface computer and camera controller Microsoft Kinect. They are not shy to play with technology inventions (see, for example, a recent trial using Kinect), but there are third-party developers that make things interesting on the latest technologies Microsoft.

Dr. Neal Rudin and his team demonstrate different Nsquared clever tricks with the Surface, Kinect, phone with Windows Phone 7 and Tablet PC.

In this video, Rudin shows how the phone can be put on Surface and seen on the surface of the table extension screen phone will be spread around the machine obtained by SMS.
Then, the inventor demonstrates how to drawn on a Surface chart at home can be imposed from the top plate, showing the three-dimensional image with textures and shadows (so imagine the configuration space is much easier). Also, the tablet can be held in front of him, seeing the rendering facilities, as the map displayed on the Surface, - to watch which way the plan is directed gaze.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Conceived for those who like astronomy: camera + projector

It is known that on to study astronomy textbooks boring and unproductive, and what he saw live once stored constellation is much brighter. However, the modern city sky seldom allows to admire their bodies, and, increasingly, the fans want to get out a night of beauty outside the city. Korean designer Son Won Kim, Son, SW Kim and Chong Fa Li in his own decided this question. They proposed the concept of Stella, with which anyone can arrange a night sky, right at the ceiling. 

Conceived for those who like astronomy: camera + projector

 Stella is a hybrid camera and projector, and the device is designed to be very compact and fits in your pocket.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Planet-diamond ... Can I call it a planet?

A recent report about the latest astronomical discovery looks like a pretty mediocre piece of science fiction, beginning mid-nineteenth century. Or like a fairy tale. Nevertheless, it seems that the "planet-diamond" exists in reality.

Members of an international team of astronomers led by Professor Matthew Beylzom of Svinbernskogo University of Technology in Australia, reported the discovery of the pulsar J1719-1438, which is located at 4000 light years from our solar system, a fairly large and very dense satellite has a mass slightly smaller than Jupiter.
Planet-diamond ...  But the planet is this?

Planet-diamond ... But the planet is this?
Like all pulsars, this is a neutron star massive enough to form after a black hole.

This refers to the millisecond pulsar subtype, the period of its circulation is 5.7 ms. It is believed that these pulsars are rotating more slowly initially and accelerated due to the absorption of matter from a companion object.

The studies of the pulsar was found in his companion, which has much less mass, but has a high average density of 23 g / cm 3 . Apparently, once J1719-1438 b represented the kind of white dwarf star.