
Monday, January 24, 2011

Funnels in ecommerce

Today's post will be devoted to such important terms in the online sales, and in all sales in general, as «Funnel sales».

Online work on any site sell, whether or pager

an online store with thousands of titles can be divided into 2

components and to characterize the two words "number" and

"Quality", or rather the "quality conversion».

Let's start with the general, with the wording and

understanding of what this term and why it is needed, and then proceed to

Private, namely the use of the "funnel of sales" in the electronic


«Funnel Sales» - economic term associated with the sales process. This term can express

ratio of the number of potential customers to the real.

«Funnel Sales» - this is the tool that

designed to evaluate the performance of the sales organization, namely

translated from the category of potential customers in the category, they get paid.

Anyone selling process can be divided into certain steps, stages,

stage or stages, as you prefer, and imagine. For each

step necessary to determine the appropriate indicators that will enable

judge the effectiveness of the work at each stage.

At each step, customers are less and less. "Funnel"

slightly incorrect term, is so named probably because of the shape. Why

The term does not quite fit, but because, as in a funnel is not lei

water, much of it in and out, and at the exit of water should be less.

More to come called "sieve", and the right is not so important.

Classic stages funnel sales »

  1. Potential clients(unqualified leads / prospects).
  2. Potential customers who had made first contact (opportunity size).
  3. Interested potential customers (qualified leads) .
  4. Customers in the process of discussing the price.
  5. customers in the process of signing the contract.
  6. Customers who paid the money.

    Stages "funnel of sales" in e-commerce

    1. Potential clients

    At this stage, should assess the estimated size of the target

    audience that will probably lead to your site or marketing

    online store. To assess this audience there are different

    services in the search engines and techniques used by

    professionals to promote the site.

    This step is very useful because you can learn about

    number of potential customers and to understand whether or not to expand a niche in

    which are going to work, or vice versa, and you can narrow down.

    2. Potential customers who had made first contact

    This is the percentage of potential customers who have switched to your site on

    page with a description of your products or services and the opportunity to add their

    in the basket through various channels: to issue the search engines

    contextual advertising, etc.

    At this point you can evaluate the quality of your advertising campaigns,

    work of professionals who promote your site in the

    general or specific proposals. Each channel to attract

    targeted traffic to their percentage of the transition to the second stage. Also, you

    can be concluded at some ways to attract visitors is

    spend time and money on what does not.

    3. Interested potential customers

    One of the most important stages. This is the percentage of visitors who

    add your item to your cart. This action indicates that the client

    interested in the proposed your particular product or service.

    At this stage, perhaps more accurately gauge how much to pay the potential buyer.

    Even if the person at the first visit could not be determined with the choice of

    product, you must create a mechanism for contact information

    visitor. This can be done by registering on the site. You

    say: A Novel, the visitor is not always immediately registered on the site! AND

    You are right. For it is necessary to provide any valuable

    information, or anything else (such as a discount on first purchase)

    in exchange for a visitor contact information.

    Now you have one of the most valuable assets, and two-step sales process starts, which will explain later.

    If the visitor just left from your site is meant to work in one of the following (or more) directions:

    • Invalid target audience
    • website design
    • convenience and usability
    • Providing information about products or services (price, selection, descriptions, photos, texts, etc.)

      4. Customers at the stage of ordering

      This step is rather technical. At this stage, the client receives

      information about the cost of delivery and payment options. However, the data

      factors also significantly affect the final amount of the order, as

      different delivery methods can differ by hundreds of rubles, as well as

      convenient payment methods.

      Therefore, at this stage you have to offer potential customers

      the most flexible and diverse forms of payment and delivery. Also, do not

      forget about the use of different marketing steps that would be an order

      still take place. It may be cumulative discounts, bonuses,

      gifts, time limit, price or quantity sold


      5. Customers paid money.

      Seller does not always receive the money after, formed the order.

      With cash on delivery, for example, there is a percentage of returns.

      Trite, the buyer does not come to the post office to get the goods.

      However, this stage may reveal weaknesses in the organization offline

      business processes (logistics, order processing, courier services and

      etc.), will calculate the approximate percentage of returns, and many other

      useful information.

      Typically, sales funnel shows:

      • number of clients at every stage at any given time;
      • quantity, structure, types of work;
      • bandwidth of each stage (what percentage of customers have successfully migrated from stage on the stage);
      • duration of phase;
      • average sales;
      • percentage of successful sales in total;
      • sales dynamics.


        Usually, at which point a sharp narrowing of the funnel, there

        the problem is in the sales marketing site. Notice it

        very easy, the number of potential buyers in the next step

        drops sharply.

        If the restriction from the top - the problem with the quality of the target audience, if the restriction from below - the problem with the quality of work.

        If we divide the sales period for short or long, the longest

        period (from several months to a year) should be expanded funnel

        above. In a short period to work with clients to keep the bottom,

        climbing up through the levels, like pushing down on customers

        levels. Long period is intended to expand its customer base,

        short period of time - to perform faster sales.

        If we consider the optimization of sales through the Internet, the ultimate goals may be:

        1. increase in the percentage of potential buyers who are realistic (the last full cycle).
        2. Accelerate the sales process (reducing the time spent on each phase of work with clients).
        3. exception of a few stages, and as a consequence, the increase% in the first paragraph and accelerating in the second.

          Here we remember about the third stage. I wrote to you all

          must obtain a visitor contact information. Later work with

          this group of visitors with those who have already made at least one order

          will reflect a second, more efficient and cheaper "funnel sales».

          second funnel already excludes 1 and 2 stages discussed above, and

          clearly shows that retention of old customers, not only that more

          Budget, but also more effectively at equal cost.

          all success, selling more!

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